hide The Claims Resolution Tribunal "CRT" of the Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation is now closed, and this website is no longer being updated. It remains online through the assistance of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The CRT was the administrative agency responsible for processing claims relating to assets deposited in Swiss Banks and other Swiss entities by Victims or Targets of Nazi persecution prior to and during the Second World War. It operated in Zurich and New York under the supervision of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York and the Court-appointed Special Masters. This website contains information about the deposited assets claims of the Swiss Banks Holocaust litigation, the Court’s decisions, and other relevant filings and materials.

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York,
Chief Judge Edward R. Korman Presiding (CV-96-4849)

Bank Claims

2005 List of Swiss Bank Accounts from the ICEP Investigation

Attention: Please note that all deadlines to file claims related to the names and/or accounts appearing on these lists with the CRT have passed. At this point, these previously published lists of names of Account Owners and names of Power of Attorney Holders appear on this website for informational purposes only.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 

<2005 list main page

Section 2: Owners of Accounts Previously Published by Swiss Authorities and/or Available in Archival Sources  


Haas, Grete
Haas & Cie
Haeber, G.
Hahndel, Julius
Haldner, Alexandre
Hamburger, Marianne
Hanus, Eduard Georg Wilhelm
Harnischmacher, Paul
Hartmann, Emil
Hartmann, Mathilde
Hartmann, Paul
Hartog, Josef
Hassberg, M.
Hassenkamp-Lauk, A.
Hausner, Heinrich
Hausz, Rudolf
Hechenberger, Louise
Hegedüs de Steffek, Carla
Heilbrunn, Ludwig
Heim, Pauline
Hellmann, Richard
Herbst, Richard
Hermann, Gerstl
Herz, S.
Herz, Simon
Herzfelder, E. Ander
Herzog, Zoltan
Hirsch, August
Hirsch, Ernst
Hirsch, Edith
Hirschfeld, Ferdinand
Hirschl, E.
Hische, Friedrich
Hochsinger, Ernst
Hoffmann, Richard
Hohenau, Paul
Honisch, Rudolf
Honisch, Valerie
Hordliczka, Hermine
Horn, Luise Sara
Horovitz, Siegfried
Horowitz, W.
Höxter, Josef
Huck, Wolfgang
Hugenholtz, F
Hundsbichler, Josef
Hüttner, Camilla