hide The Claims Resolution Tribunal "CRT" of the Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation is now closed, and this website is no longer being updated. It remains online through the assistance of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The CRT was the administrative agency responsible for processing claims relating to assets deposited in Swiss Banks and other Swiss entities by Victims or Targets of Nazi persecution prior to and during the Second World War. It operated in Zurich and New York under the supervision of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York and the Court-appointed Special Masters. This website contains information about the deposited assets claims of the Swiss Banks Holocaust litigation, the Court’s decisions, and other relevant filings and materials.

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York,
Chief Judge Edward R. Korman Presiding (CV-96-4849)

Bank Claims

2005 List Owners of Accounts Identified by the ICEP Auditors

Attention: Please note that all deadlines to file claims related to the names and/or accounts appearing on these lists with the CRT have passed. At this point, these previously published lists of names of Account Owners and names of Power of Attorney Holders appear on this website for informational purposes only.

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<2005 list main page

Section 1: Account Owners - People  


Waeffler-Brand, Hans
Wagner, Emil
Wagner, Heinrich
Wagner, Helmut
Wagner, Karl
Wagner, Liesel
Wagner, Michael
Wagner, Richard
Wagner, Rudolf
Waitz, Marie
Wald, Anna
Waldman, Klara
Waldmann, Franz
Wallerstein, Ernst
Walter, Emil
Walter, Eugenie
Walter, Hermann
Walter, Max
Walter, Otto
Walter, Paul
Walther, Ernst
Walther, Reinhold
Walz, Margarethe
Wassermann, Gustav
Wassermann, Jakob
Wassermann, Régina
Weber, Anna
Weber, Gustav
Weber, Heinrich
Weber, Hermann
Weber, Jakob
Weber, Jeanne
Weber, Josef
Weber, Lina
Weber, Ludwig
Weber, Maria
Weber, Ruth
Weber, S.
Wechsler, Otto
Weigl, Max
Weil, Irma
Weil, Jacques
Weil, Karol
Weiler, Karl
Weill, P.
Weill-Goetz, L.
Weinberg, Joseph
Weinberg, Markus
Weinberg, Martin
Weinberg, Max M
Weinberg, Annette
Weinberger, Hanna
Weinberger, Hermann
Weinberger, Leo
Weinberger, Robert
Weiner, Ernst
Weiner, Sali
Weinmann, Fanny
Weinstein, Leopold
Weinstein, Marianne
Weis, Brunilde
Weis, Mario
Weise, Johanna Louise
Weiser, Anna
Weiss, A.
Weiss, Adolf
Weiss, Armin
Weiss, Erwin
Weiss, Hans
Weiss, Hedwig
Weiss, Heinrich
Weiss, Johanna
Weiss, Katharina
Weiss, Leo
Weiss, Magda
Weiss, Paul
Weiss, Stephan
Weiss, Willy
Weiss, Franz Xaver
Weissblum, Fanny
Weissmann, Eduard
Weisz, Adalbert
Weisz, Ernst
Weisz, Siegmund
Wellner, Hermann
Wenger, Ernst
Werner, Klara
Werner, Maria
Werner, Max
Werner, Ludwig
Wertheim, Paul
Wertheim, Adolf
Wertheimer, Alfred
Wertheimer, Fritz
Wertheimer, Hans
Wertheimer, Heinrich
Wertheimer, Marianne
Wessel, Dora
Wessel, Karl
Wessel, Martha
Widmaier, Paul
Widmaier, Nicole
Wiener, Erna
Wiener, H.
Wilhelm, Paul
Wilke, Werner
Willm, Emile
Willm, Linette
Willm-Muller, Eugénie
Willner, Jakob Peter
Wimmer, Emma
Winkler, Emma
Winkler, Franz
Winkler, Hermann
Winter, Ernst
Winter, Georg
Winter, Robert
Wittenberg, Ella
Wittmann, Karl
Woertz, Jean-Paul
Woertz-Schaeffer, Pauline
Wohlgemuth, Helene
Wolf, Edmund
Wolf, Gisela
Wolf, Günter
Wolf, Jeanne
Wolf, Martha
Wolff, Auguste
Wolff, Fritz
Wolff, Hans
Wolff, Hedwig
Wolff, Heinz
Wolff, Johanna
Wolff, P.
Wolff, Paul
Wolff, R.
Wolff, Robert
Wolff, Walter
Wolff, Siegfried